
Best place to learn different programming
languages through crud operations

Sponsors · Preface · Features · Install · Quick Doc · Testing

# CRUD in NodeJS Simple **crud** application created
using **nodeJS**, **express** & **mongoDB**.
Go to the guide: [CRUD: NodeJS](#install)
Learn different programming languages & frameworks
through crud (create, read, update, delete) operatioins. **This is the ultimate output of my interest in learning
various programming languages over the years.
Hope this will be helpful for everyone** We're in progress to cover -

And many more...

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Hello there! Are you willing learn a programming language that you know nothing about?

Sit tight with me. You’ll see how much easy and effective it is to learn a completely new programming language or framework through crud operation without any prior knowledge. But please keep in mind, you’ll have to go through each and every line of the documents I provide to understand the concepts clearly. I have carefully wrote down the docs so that it can be understood by school kids. That means it becomes easy to understand for anyone of any age. DO NOT SKIP ANYTHING.

In case you don’t know what CRUD actually is -

Despite being commonly pronounced /krʌd/, CRUD is not a word. It’s an abbreviation that stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete or Destroy.

What is CRUD?

CRUD refers to the four basic operations a software application should be able to perform – Create, Read, Update, and Delete.

In such apps, users must be able to create data, have access to the data in the UI by reading the data, update or edit the data, and delete the data.

In full-fledged applications, CRUD apps consist of 3 parts: an API (or server), a database, and a user interface (UI).

The API contains the code and methods, the database stores and helps the user retrieve the information, while the user interface helps users interact with the app.

You can make a CRUD app with any of the programming languages out there. And the app doesn’t have to be full stack – you can make a CRUD app with client-side JavaScript.

Each letter in the CRUD acronym has a corresponding HTTP request method.

CRUD Operation HTTP request method
Create POST
Read GET
Update PUT or PATCH

This data is heavily inspired from the one published on FreeCodeCamp. You can read their’s as well.


“CRUD of the Century”, which means This project, has the biggest collection of easiest crud projects in several programming languages & frameworks. All the codes are up-to-date with their latest coding system. Our goal is to cover all the modern programming langiages & frameworks in this, so that, developers can get help.

Here’s the list of current available crud operations -


Before You Install: Please give this repo a star at the top right corner. It would encourage me more to maintain this repo actively. And you can sponsor me too, so that I can continue to grow and contribute more in open source. Thanks!

  1. Install NodeJs from here. (LTS version is recommended)
  2. Install Visual Studio Code from here. (you can use any other code editor of your choice, if you want.)
  3. Clone or download this repository in your computer.
  4. Open Visual Studio Code & open the cloned project in it.
  5. Open terminal inside the project folder
    control + shift + ` (commonly known as backtick)
  6. Run npm install & wait untill the process ends.
  7. Then run npm start and the project will start running immediately.

But you won’t be able to use it properly untill you read the Quick Guide

Quick Doc

Please go through this doc line-by-line to understand it properly. It’s super easy and onc eyou understand it, you can never forget this.

The intention of this project is to create a global factory of crud projects containing all the programming languages and frameworks available. Also maintain & update them with latest coding structures.

Any student, fresher, professional programmer/developer/engineer can get help from this right away.

Learning crud operation is the first big challenge of learning any programming language/framework or development. It doesn’t matter if it’s web programming or anything else, learning crud is a must. Also it gives you proper basic knowledge about the system.

This project uses NodeJS, Express and MongoDB. You’ll need a mongodb account. Here’s how you can get one -


For testing, we will use Postman. You can download it from here.


This is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you’d like to join them, please read more here.



CRUD of the Century project is MIT licensed.